The program is divided into two:

SOS: a period of 3 days that will be offered welcoming and rest. It aims to provide its participants with realigning life`s goals and reconnecting with oneself, with the other, as well as with Creation.

C.C – Caregivers Care: a period of 12 days that will be offered a therapeutic program. It aims to provide its participants with guidance on how each one can work on their emotional processes in their place of work, regardless of what and where it is.




Transcultural Missionaries (whose effective work in a cultural context with a different language from yours, or in a different country but speaking the same language as yours) – 30% discount

Effective pastors and active missionaries in the ministry – 20% discount


8 to 13 years old: 50% of the adult price

From 14 years old: standard rate

Other services will be charged separately:

– Laundry

– Outing tours

– Transfer

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Refúgio - Centro de Restauração Familiar
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